I recently discovered the BUILD Math system online and it seems to fit in perfectly with what I have been doing in my class, but it will help me be more organized and not have to work as hard:) I read some really great posts on the BUILD system on Adventures in Teaching by Cassie. Apparently, it started in her county. Her posts explain all about it and what each letter stands for. It seems great for my classroom. Last year, I began trying to organize the Math Centers into 5 areas like the Daily 5 program we use for Reading. Here are the file folder containers I organized last year.

I used the 5 areas: Partner Games, Number Work, Math Fluency, Writing Math and Math by Myself. All of these areas can easily fit in with the BUILD system and it will be easier for the children to refer to just the letters "B...U...I...L...D" instead of the phrases I used last year. I also had a big chart above the bins (in picture above) where I added the names of the activities they could choose for each area. That was time consuming and after a while, they didn't need them anyway as the options were in the containers.
For this school year, I relabeled the file boxes (They are the narrow ones. They had them at Walmart the beginning of last school year.) I found free BUILD labels on Teacher pay Teachers by Becca Foxwell. Here is the link for the blue ones. She has them in 5 different colors- for free!
I have acquired a lot of Math Centers and materials over the years and love to use them. I do get overwhelmed sometimes with all the "stuff" the kids use for the Centers, but I remember that they are learning a lot.
We use the Investigations Math series as well as our other series. I focus on the Investigation series and fill in with the other series when it fits and to give the kids more practice working on paper and math facts.
If you are looking for Math Centers, I have posted a lot of the ones I have made on Teachers Notebook and Teachers pay Teachers. You can click on the names of the sites and it will take you to my store at each site. I keep the prices fairly low because I want to be able to share with a lot of teachers. I also enjoy making some money so I can purchase other teachers' products, which I have done a lot of lately. Thanks to everyone who has purchased my items:)
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